Is the conference limited to PhD students?

No, the conference is not limited to PhD students. We are open to submissions by MA and PhD students, as well as Postdocs. Please refer to our Call for Papers, in case you are considering presenting your research.

Can I attend the conference without presenting a paper?

Yes, you can participate as an attendee.

Do I have to pay an Attendance Fee?

No. Attendence to our conference is free of charge both for the speakers and the audience.

How do I reach the Conference Centre? 

Some information on the Centre and how to reach it can be found here. Moreover, here you can find additional information on how to get to the Conference Centre from several hotels.

Who should I contact if I have other questions or need more information?

For further information, please contact us via email: glocal@phil.uni-goettingen.de or please refer to our contact form https://glocal2018.wordpress.com/contact/.